Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Letting Yourself Be Seen
When we allow ourselves to be witnessed by another, we cannot help but be transformed by the experience. Whether we are sharing apersonal experience, standing in front of friends to celebrate a special occasion, or expressing our unbridled joy or sorrow in front of a loved one, we are allowing ourselves to be seen and experienced in a very intimate way. Not only are we baring ourselves to someone else, but we are allowing that person to hold a very specific kind of space with us so this powerful act can take place. To be witnessed is to let ourselves be seen as we truly are in that moment.
Our friends and loved ones can easily be witnesses for us, if only we are brave enough to let them. Your next birthday may be the perfect occasion to experience this sacred act: Invite your friends and loved ones to your special day. During the celebration, stand in front of them and thank them for being there for you. Feel their gratitude, attention, warmth, and support, while noticing the sense of safety you feel as they surround you. If you feel inspired, share your innermost thoughts about the day and your life. You may be surprised at the feelings of peace and validation that arise within you, when you feel safe enough to go deep into your soul and share yourself with those you trust.
Anyone who has ever seen love, admiration, acceptance, or appreciation reflected in a friend or loved one’s eyes knows how transformative that experience can be. When you bare yourself to another, you are giving them the gift of you and showing them that they also matter. In letting yourself be witnessed, you are letting others into your intimate space, stepping in the sacred container they have created for you, and creating a cauldron of positive affirmation, support, love, and goodwill that will stay with you forever.
Friday, September 26, 2008
distractions, drama and disappointment
I like you. I think you are cool, smooth and sexy as hell. I want to spend time with you but you continue to let everything get in the way. These distractions are annoying to say the least and you continuously ask me to be patient while you go through your storms. I have had enough of storms and I don't feel like sitting idly by while you go through yours. I have a feeling that this is the norm and that's a shame because I really wanted to be with you. You have put me in a precarious position. My heart says to ride it out and my head says to cut my losses. I don't have to tell you this. I think you already know. It seems you are in sync with me so it is surprising that we have come to this.
While I sort this out, I am going to give you some space. Perhaps in a couple of weeks things will have died down a bit and you will find some time for me. If not, I'm moving on. I need to get out before I get too deep if it hasn't happened already. Since it is early in the game, the heartbreak won't hurt as much. Perhaps I shouldn't love hard but it is who I am. I can't change who I am, I can only change my reactions.
I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am. I was really looking forward to seeing you and the fact that you put rollo and low-life before me is a smack in the face. I could see if it was something that was important but them? Please. I thought I meant more to you than that. You tell me that regularly. As a matter of fact, you told me that last night but I am now seeing that it is bullshit. Smooth talkers are just that. All fluff and no substance. I am really getting tired of this. It seems that finding someone worthy of my time is a daunting task and I am not up to it. I am better off alone. I have all this love to give and nobody to give it to. Your loss.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happiness is a decision
Note: This is a guest post by Michelle L. Casto of Brightlight Coaching
Happiness is a feeling every human being on this planet desires in their heart of hearts. And yet most of us look for happiness in all the wrong places and end up causing ourselves more suffering.
This is because we are looking outside of ourselves for some thing or some one to bring us that feeling.
Rumi once said, We go from room to room looking for the diamond necklace around our neck. So it is when we search “everywhere” for happiness, we never see where it really is, which is with us all along.
I think we all would agree that Happiness does not depend on material things, such as driving a certain car or holding a prestigious title. (although those things can add pleasure to your life).
Happiness does not depend on other people, like whether you have a significant other or not. (although having loving and supportive people around adds to your enjoyment)
Happiness does not depend on what happens, so if you stay, it will be good and if you go, it will be good.
Happiness is not to be found anywhere in the external world.
The main obstacle to happiness is faulty thinking. For instance thinking, someone or some thing can make you happy. Beware also of what A Course in Miracles calls, “elusive happiness, which is happiness that changes and shifts with times and places. ACIM says this kind of happiness is an illusion and has no meaning!”
So where does one find happiness?
Stop looking outside for what can only be found inside.
And make a decision to be happy.
Let me repeat that:
Happiness DOES depend on your decision to be happy.
So, consider this, have you ever made a conscious decision to be happy?
My guess is No.
Here is your official invitation to Be Happy!
Let’s join forces for happiness.
Repeat after me:
I, your name, decide to be happy right now, despite the weather, the world, or what happens to me.
I absolutely know it is my God-given birthright to be happy.
And as the light of God that I am, I reclaim happiness and happiness reclaims me.
So be this.
Michelle L. Casto is known as the Soul Diva Coach (Diva is sanskrit for shining light of the divine) Speaker, and Author of the Get Smart! LearningBook Series. Her coaching practice is Brightlight Coaching, she helps people come up with bright ideas for their life and empowers them to freely shine their bright light to the world. She loves working with women to discover their inner Goddess. Visit virtually: getsmartseries.com or smartlifechanges.com. Call for a Complimentary Coaching session (361) 232-3939.
Monday, September 22, 2008
God answers prayers
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hurricane Ike
Psalm 33:18-22
Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.
Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name. Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You.
Psalm 116:1-2
I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.
In Jesus' name...