Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Afformations: The Key That Unlocks “The Secret” (Part 1 of 2)

This is a guest article by Noah St. John, Author of SecretCodeBook.com.

We all know that an “affirmation” is a statement of something you want to be true in your life. So an example of a traditional “affirmation” might be: “I am rich.”All right, let’s try it. Say to yourself right now, “I am rich.” Did you hear what just happened in your mind? A voice… a voice that said: “Yeah, right!”

The plain truth is that most of us don’t believe our own “affirmations”. Why? Because we’re trying to convince ourselves of something we don’t believe is true.

Now, traditional success teachers realized that you may not believe your “affirmations”. So they told us to repeat our “affirmations” a thousand…er, million…uh, kajillion times until you eventually, um, believe them.

Have you ever said positive “affirmations” (for example, “I am rich, I’m happy, I have enough”)… and then had… Absolutely nothing happen?

Me too. And about a gazillion other people. I was in the shower one morning, thinking about how the human mind is always in the process of asking and seeking the answers to questions.

For example, if I asked you, “Why is the sky blue?” – instantly, your brain would start searching for the answer. So I asked myself, “If the human mind is always asking and searching for the answers to questions, why are we going around making statements we don’t believe? Why don’t we cut out the middleman?”

Then I asked, “What would that look like?” I realized that if we make a statement (“affirmation”) that says, “I am rich” and our brain replies, “Yeah, right!” the question might look something like this: why am I so rich?

Come again?

Why am I so rich?

Try it. Right now, ask yourself, “Why am I so rich?” What’s your brain doing right now? Searching for the answer!

Remember Universal Law – “As you sow, so shall you reap”. Most people are unconsciously asking lousy questions, like: “Why am I such a loser? Why can’t I do anything right? How come I’m so lonely?

Why don’t I have enough money?” Guess what they reap? The fruits of what they’ve sown! And that’s how, on that fateful morning, I discovered and named the process of using afformations. Afformations are my discovery of empowering questions (NOT “affirmations”) that cause your mind to focus on what you really want, and stop focusing on what you don’t want.

Here are some examples of Afformations that my students have used with amazing results:

Why am I allowed to be, do and have all that I want in life?

Brandon, an insurance salesman in Salt Lake City who’d spent $30,000 on self-help programs with few results, started using this Afformation in May. In 30 days, his sales tripled – and by the end of the year, his revenues had increased more than 560% and he was named Agent of the Year.

Why do I lose weight so easily?

Monee had tried every diet program out there, but couldn’t lose weight. She began using this Afformation – and lost 20 pounds in 60 days without stress or dieting.

And one of my favorite Afformation stories…

Why am I so enchanting? 7-year-old Adrienne from Alabama came home crying to her mother, Joan, sobbing, “Why does everyone hate me?” Joan, who had read my books, told Adrienne, “Honey, you’re asking the wrong question!” She explained Afformations to her daughter, who started afforming, “Why am I so enchanting?”

Adrienne would repeat her Afformation over and over, out loud. Then one day, she came home from school with a picture one of her classmates had drawn – it was a heart with two little girls holding hands that read, “I’m so glad we’re friends!” When I asked Joan how long it had taken for Adrienne’s transformation to take place, she told me – less than one week!

Afformations are an incredibly powerful method I’ve taught people since 1997 to change your questions and change your life. In Part Two of this series, I’ll show you the simple 4-step Afformations Method to manifest anything you really want twice as fast with half the effort. So check back tomorrow for that one.

Noah St. John, Ph.D. is Founder of www.SuccessClinic.com and inventor of Afformations. He’s also the author of the new book The Secret Code of Success: 7 Hidden Steps to More Wealth and Happiness (Collins). You can get the first three chapters of Noah’s Secret Code Book (free) and connect with other Secret Code readers at http://www.SecretCodeBook.com. For a 60-Second Afformation Stress Buster (free), go to http://www.iAfform.com

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